How to Turn Emotional Pain Into Power - a personal story
So, what happens to your emotions after you have been dismissed and how can you take back control of your emotions before they go unconscious and create serious physical damage to warrant a visit to the doctor?

5 Steps to Rewire Your Mind for the Love You Want
We are continually rewiring our mind all day long. Whenever we do something different in our routine, or when we have to deal with a new situation, we are retraining our mind to think about it in a new way so we can access some further information. Pro Athletes and high performers do it all the time. And I’ll show you how to rewire your mind for the love you want in 5 steps.

3 Ways To Control Your Anger Safely
And when you travel the journey of heartbreak after a breakup or divorce, you will hit the angry button one day, guaranteed. If you don’t already have good practices around dissolving your anger, you will suffer the volcano effect and create more damage in your life.

Do you have good boundaries? Take the Quiz.
Good boundaries create space for you to flourish. When you’re constantly giving your energy away you become depleted and unhappy. Cultivate self love by creating healthy limits.

How to Break a Soul Contract
When it’s impossible to break away from a toxic relationship, what options do you have? You know it’s toxic. You know that you have to break free from it to live more fully. But there seems to be this invisible force that won’t allow you to release its hold on you. Discover the underlying story and its intensity in your life and then learn how to break a soul contract so you can find freedom and peace.