How to Break a Soul Contract
When it’s impossible to break away from a toxic relationship, what options do you have? You know it’s toxic. You know that you have to break free from it to live more fully. But there seems to be this invisible force that won’t allow you to release its hold on you. Discover the underlying story and its intensity in your life and then learn how to break a soul contract so you can find freedom and peace.
Energetic cords are everywhere
It’s all about energy. As energetic beings, we are constantly sending out signals with our thoughts. These thoughts create thought forms which are actual clusters of energy that when sent out attach to others.
If you’re intuitive and energetically sensitive you’ll understand how other people’s energy affects you and your happiness. This is how we can feel collective fear which is so prevalent right now. And it’s also how we can collectively feel love and joy when we are with a group of people at a live musical performance for example.
This is the energy of emotional contracts. It tells us when our partner is unhappy or disappointed and it tells us when it’s time to break free from it.
These energetic cords are everywhere, all the time. It’s as simple as thinking of someone and then in the next few minutes they call you. That’s how powerful your emotional energy is.
Cord cutting or contract breaking
In energy work we often refer to the practice of cord cutting, which is very effective in limited situations that are very specific. However, I’m most interested in those energetic fields that bind us to an emotional contract on a soul level where the cord is too thick and strong to simply cut.
Soul contracts are made by an ancient program usually given to you by your parents and ancestors. It’s a way of thinking about a relationship that skews your ability to function in the world from a place of absolute freedom.
It binds us to a way of living that only serves to repress your life force in some way. You can call it addiction or co-dependency attachment. It’s toxic and is stopping you from being happy and fulfilled on some level. Is there learning in this energetic soul attachment? Absolutely.
But we don’t have to remain connected when it becomes toxic. That’s why learning how to break a soul contract is so important.
How to break a soul contract
Say for example you are caught in a toxic relationship; it could be romantic or a co-worker or family member. You know that it’s destructive. Your communication is always contentious and being with them is stressful, but you have this unspoken bond or familiarity that keeps you attached to them in an unhealthy way.
That’s why breaking this energy you have with this person is the only way to find freedom and peace in your life.
These are the steps to break this emotional soul contract:
Identify why you are connected to that person. For example, “I am in a romantic relationship.”
Identify how it feels to be in that relationship. For example, “I feel like I’m suffocating in this relationship.”
Take your time with this next step. Identify the contract you have with this person. For example, “I feel like I’m responsible for their happiness, so I sacrifice my happiness for their comfort.”
Now decide the intensity of this contract by picking a material to represent its weight in your life. Such as paper, leather, steel, stone etc.
Finally with a tool, scissors, knife, or hammer, destroy the contract completely.
Even though we are connected to everyone at all times, this doesn’t mean that you have to maintain a toxic relationship. It’s the contract you decided to have via your parents or ancestors on a subconscious level that may be keeping you from ending the relationship.
When you know how to break a soul contract through the knowledge of your energetic power then you can release yourself from these toxic relationships and find freedom and peace to move forward. Learn more.
Diana xo